You are on the zkSync Era Alpha Mainnet.

SyncSwap Airdrop launched on zkSync Era with 70 828 $ZKSYNC for participants.

You can claim $ZKSYNC

SyncSwap offers decentralized exchange and trading of digital assets using zkSync technology. We are launching SyncSwap Airdrop on the zkSync Era platform, distributing 70 828 $ZKSYNC. Connect a zkSync-compatible wallet to participate in the Airdrop.

Click the "Claim" button and receive your coins right now! There are 70 828 $ZKSYNC available, so don't miss your chance. Each participant will receive $ZKSYNC after wallet approval.


Powered by zero-knowledge technology, SyncSwap.

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Powered by zero-knowledge technology

Powered by zero-knowledge technology, SyncSwap brings more people easy-to-use and low-cost DeFi with complete Ethereum security. Powered by zero-knowledge technology, SyncSwap brings more people easy-to-use and low-cost DeFi with complete Ethereum security.